The 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ provides three types of wait state solutions to external memory prob-
lems: real-time, RD#/WR#/PSEN#, and ALE wait states. The 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ supports
traditional real-time wait state operations for dynamic bus control. Real-time wait state opera-
tions are controlled by means of the WCON special function register. See section 13.5, “External
Bus Cycles with Real-time Wait States.”
In addition, the 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ device can be configured at reset to add wait states to
external bus cycles by extending the ALE or RD#/WR#/PSEN# pulses. See section 4.5.3, “Wait
State Configuration Bits.”
You can configure the chip to use multiple types of wait states. Accesses to on-chip code and data
memory always use zero wait states. The following sections demonstrate wait state usage.
Three types of wait state solutions are available; real-time, RD#/WR#/PSEN#, and ALE wait
states. The 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ supports traditional real-time wait state operations for dy-
namic bus control. The real-time wait state operations are enabled with the WCON SFR bits at
address S:0A7H. The device can also be configured to add wait states to the external bus cycles
by extending the bus timing of the RD#/WR#/PSEN# pulses or by extending the ALE pulse or
by adding 0, 1, 2, or 3 wait states to the RD#/WR#/PSEN# pulses.
The XALE# configuration bit specifies 0 or 1 wait state for ALE. The WSA1:0# and WSB1:0#
configuration bits specify the number of wait states for RD/WR/PSEN. See section 4.5.3, “Wait
State Configuration Bits.” You can configure the chip to use multiple types of wait states. Access-
es to on-chip code and data memory always use zero wait states. The following sections describe
each solution.
13.4.1 Extending RD#/WR#/PSEN#
Figure 13-8 shows the nonpage mode code fetch bus cycle with one RD#/PSEN# wait state. The
wait state extends the bus cycle to three states. Figure 13-9 shows the nonpage mode data write
bus cycle with one WR# wait state. The wait state extends the bus cycle to four states. The wave-
forms in Figure 13-9 also apply to the nonpage mode data read external bus cycle if RD#/PSEN#
is substituted for WR#.