external, 13-7
generator, 2-7, 13-7, 13-8
internal, and idle mode, 14-4, 14-5
phases, internal, 2-8
CLR instruction, A-2, A-10, A-41, A-47, A-52
CLRB instruction, A-2, A-11, A-41, A-47, A-52
CLRC instruction, A-3, A-11, A-46, A-51, A-57
CLRVT instruction, A-3, A-11, A-46, A-51, A-57
CMP instruction, A-3, A-11, A-43, A-47, A-52
CMPB instruction, A-3, A-11, A-44, A-47, A-52
CMPL instruction, A-2, A-12, A-45, A-47, A-52
Code execution, 2-5, 2-6
COMP5:0, 11-3, B-15
CompuServe forums, 1-10
Conditional jump instructions, A-5
Configuring external memory pins, 15-5
CPU, 2-4
CPVER, 16-12, B-15
Customer service, 1-8
D/A converter, 10-10
Data instructions, A-49, A-55
Data types, 3-1–3-4
addressing restrictions, 3-1
converting between, 3-4
defined, 3-1
iC-96, 3-1
PLM-96, 3-1
signed and unsigned, 3-1, 3-4
values permitted, 3-1
online, 1-10
ordering, 1-7
Deassert, defined, 1-3
DEC instruction, A-2, A-12, A-41, A-47, A-52
DECB instruction, A-2, A-12, A-41, A-47, A-52
DED bit, 16-6–16-7, 16-30
DEI bit, 16-6–16-7, 16-17
Design considerations
waveform generator, 9-19, 9-20
minimum hardware configuration, 13-1
pin reset status, B-23, B-25
programming, 16-1–16-33
reset, 13-8, 13-9, 13-10, 13-11, 13-12
DI instruction, A-3, A-12, A-46, A-51, A-57
Digital-to-analog converter, 10-10
DIR bit, 7-2, 7-6
Direct addressing, 3-6, 3-9
DIV instruction, A-13, A-46, A-48, A-53
DIVB instruction, A-13, A-46, A-48, A-53
DIVU instruction, A-3, A-13, A-43, A-48, A-53
DIVUB instruction, A-3, A-14, A-44, A-48, A-53
DJNZ instruction, A-2, A-5, A-14, A-45, A-50,
DJNZW instruction, A-2, A-5, A-14, A-45, A-50,
Documents, related, 1-5–1-8
DOUBLE-WORD, defined, 3-3
DPTS instruction, A-3, A-15, A-45, A-51, A-57
Dump-word routine, 16-24
EA#, 16-13, B-15
and P5.0, 6-13
and P5.3, 6-13
and programming modes, 16-14
idle, powerdown, reset status, B-24, B-25
EE opcode, and unimplemented opcode interrupt,
A-3, A-46
EI instruction, 5-13, A-3, A-15, A-46, A-51, A-57
EPA, 2-10, 11-1–11-24
and PTS, 11-12
block diagram, 11-2
capture data overruns, 11-21
capture/compare channels
programming, 11-18
choosing capture or compare mode, 11-19
clock prescaler, 11-16, 11-17
compare channels
programming, 11-18
compare modules
programming, 11-18
controlling the clock source and direction,
11-16, 11-17
determining event status, 11-24
enabling a timer/counter, 11-16, 11-17
enabling the compare function, 11-22
overruns, 11-12, 11-13