sample time The period of time that the sample window is open.
(That is, the length of time that the input channel is
actually connected to the sample capacitor.)
sample time uncertainty The variation in the sample time.
sample window The period of time that begins when the sample
capacitor is attached to a selected channel of an A/D
converter and ends when the sample capacitor is
disconnected from the selected channel.
sampled inputs All input pins, with the exception of RESET#, are
sampled inputs. The input pin is sampled one state
time before the read buffer is enabled. Sampling
occurs during PH1 (while CLKOUT is low) and
resolves the value (high or low) of the pin before it is
presented to the internal bus. If the pin value changes
during the sample time, the new value may or may not
be recorded during the read.
RESET# is a level-sensitive input. EXTINT is
normally a sampled input; however, the powerdown
circuitry uses EXTINT as a level-sensitive input
during powerdown mode.
SAR Successive approximation register. A component of
the A/D converter.
set The “1” value of a bit or the act of giving it a “1”
value. See also clear.
SFR Special-function register.
SHORT-INTEGER An 8-bit, signed variable with values from –2
through +2
sign extension A method for converting data to a larger format by
filling the upper bit positions with the value of the
sign. This conversion preserves the positive or
negative value of signed integers.
sink current Current flowing into a device to ground. Always a
positive value.
source current Current flowing out of a device from V
. Always a
negative value.
SP Stack pointer.