Serial I/O port‚ See SIO port
Set, defined, 1-3
SETC instruction, A-3, A-36, A-52, A-59, A-67
and idle mode, 12-5
and powerdown mode, 12-7
CPU, 5-12
table of, 5-12
peripheral, 5-7
and windows, 5-13
table of, 5-8
reserved, 4-12, 5-9
with indirect or indexed operations, 4-12, 5-9
with read-modify-write instructions, 5-7
Shift instructions, A-59, A-66
SHL instruction, A-3, A-37, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHLB instruction, A-3, A-37, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHLL instruction, A-3, A-38, A-47, A-59
SHORT-INTEGER, defined, 4-2
SHR instruction, A-3, A-38, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHRA instruction, A-3, A-39, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHRAB instruction, A-3, A-39, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHRAL instruction, A-3, A-40, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHRB instruction, A-3, A-40, A-47, A-59, A-66
SHRL instruction, A-3, A-41, A-47, A-59, A-66
descriptions, B-6–B-12
naming conventions, 1-4
Single transfer mode‚ See PTS
SIO port, 2-11, 8-1
9-bit data‚ See mode 2‚ mode 3
block diagram, 8-1, 10-2
calculating baud rate, 8-12
enabling interrupts, 8-13
enabling parity, 8-8
framing error, 8-14
half-duplex considerations, 8-6
interrupts, 8-5, 8-8, 8-15
mode 0, 8-4–8-5
mode 1, 8-5, 8-6
mode 2, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7
mode 3, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7
multiprocessor communications, 8-7, 8-8
overrun error, 8-14
programming, 8-8
receive interrupt (RI) flag, 8-15
receiver, 8-1
selecting baud rate, 8-8–8-12
SFRs, 8-2
signals, 8-2
status, 8-13–8-15
transmit interrupt (TI) flag, 8-15
transmitter, 8-1
See also mode 0‚ mode 1‚ mode 2‚ mode 3‚
port 2
SJMP instruction, A-2, A-41, A-47, A-53, A-57,
SKIP instruction, A-2, A-41, A-47, A-59, A-67
addressing modes, 4-11
conventions, 4-11–4-13
device reset, 11-11
interrupt service routines, 6-14
linking subroutines, 4-13
protection, 4-14, 13-32
trap interrupt, 6-4, 6-5, 6-7
SP_BAUD, C-51, C-54
SP_CON, 8-9, C-51, C-54
Special instructions, A-59, A-67
Special operating modes
SFRs, 12-2
Special-purpose memory, 5-2, 5-5, 5-6
SP_STATUS, 8-14, C-51, C-54
ST instruction, A-2, A-42, A-51, A-56, A-63
Stack instructions, A-55, A-62
Stack pointer, 5-11, 13-11
and subroutine call, 5-11
initializing, 5-12
Standby mode, 12-6
State time, defined, 2-9
STB instruction, A-2, A-42, A-51, A-56, A-63
Sticky bit (ST) flag, 4-5, A-4, A-5, A-25, A-26
SUB instruction, A-3, A-42, A-48, A-53, A-60
SUBB instruction, A-3, A-43, A-48, A-49, A-53,
SUBC instruction, A-3, A-43, A-50, A-53, A-60
SUBCB instruction, A-3, A-43, A-50, A-53, A-60
linking, 4-13
nested, 5-12
t, defined, 1-5
T1CLK, 8-2, 10-2, B-11
T1CONTROL, C-51, C-54