Page 17 of 24 2442-222/2442-422/2442-522 - Rev: 1/21/2014 8:00 AM
Micro Dimmer
Manufacturer product number
US 2442-222
EU 2442-422
AUS/NZ 2442-522
US 813922012705
EU 813922012712
AUS/NZ 813922012729
Controller and responder
32 locally (256 with software)
Status LED
Green when load is on, red when load is off
Blinks red once when responder does not acknowledge/blinks
green once if all responders acknowledge (can be disabled via
Blinks red or green during setup
Blinks to indicate traffic (must be enabled via software)
Beep on button press
Beeps when button is pressed or connected switch is tapped
(must be enabled via software)
Adjustable, from off to bright
Adjustable, 32 fixed brightness levels or resume dim
Local ramp-rate
Adjustable from 0.1 seconds to 5 seconds locally
(0.1 seconds to 8 minutes via software)
Commands supported as controller
On Off
Fast-on Fast-off
Begin brighten Begin dim
End brighten End dim
Commands Supported as responder
On Off
Fast-on Fast-off
Begin brighten Begin dim
End brighten End dim
Incremental brighten Incremental dim