
32 04581740_ed2
2. On the Statistics menu, select Spindle Statistics and press Enter.
3. Select the dropdown Conguration box and press the Expand button to view a list of the available Congurations
with statistics that can be viewed.
4. Select the Conguration you wish to use and press Enter.
5. Scroll through the various parameters of calculated statistics using the arrow keys.
Screen Element Description
Select Cong Use this dropbox to select the tightening Conguration.
Population Statistics The statistics for the entire fastening population are displayed here.
Sample Statistics The statistics for the sample subset of the population are displayed here.
5.1.3 Stats Settings
The Stats Setting screen allows you to reset statistics for a selected Conguration, to set change the sample size
used for Sample Statistics on the Spindle Stats screen from the default of 25, and to set what types of statistics are
Figure 28 - Stats Settings
To access and use the Stats Settings:
1. Press the Stats button on the Insight controller.
2. On the Statistics menu, select Stats Settings and press Enter.
3. Select the dropdown Conguration box and press the Expand button to view a list of the available Congurations.
4. Select the Conguration for which you want to change the statistics settings and press Enter.
5. Using the arrow keys, move to the Reset All Statistics button and press Enter to reset both Population and Sample
Statistics on the Spindle Stats screen.
6. Move to the Reset Sample button and press Enter to reset just the Sample Statistics on the Spindle Stats screen.
7. Move the to the Sample Size data entry box and type in a value to change the sample used for Sample Statistics on
the Spindle Stats screen.
8. Move the to the Value for Stats dropdown box and press Expand to select the type of tight-
ening results that are used to select statistics: Good Only, All but H/W Rej, or All.
When you select Good Only, only statistics for good cycle are shown. All but H/W Rej displays
all cycles except those that involved a hardware reject. When All is selected, every cycle is used
for statistics calculations.
Screen Element Description
Select Cong
Use this dropbox to select the tightening Conguration whose statistics settings you wish to
change. The options include Conguration 1 through 8 only.
Sample Size
Using the numeric keypad, enter a sample size. This will be the number of samples used to
calculate the sample statistics.
Values for Stats
Use this dropbox to select what tightening results are included in your statistical calculation. The
options are Good Only, All, or All but H/W Rej (hardware rejects).
5.1.4 Powerhead Stats