
16574063_ed1 3
TD, TX and TXD Grinder and Die Grinder Parts List
Item Part Description
Item Part Description
Common parts for ALL TD, TX and * Warning Label
TXD Grinders for models ending in H63-EU EU-63-99
1 Inlet Assembly LG2-A465 for all other models ending in -EU EU-99
2 Inlet Screen R1602-61 for all other models LG2-99
3 Inlet Seal R18LF-21 * Nameplate
4 Throttle Valve Spring Seat LG3-592 for TD120 models ending in -EU LG212-EU-301
4A Throttle Valve Spring 7L-51 for all other TD120 models LG212-301
4B Throttle Valve LG2-302 for TD180 models ending in -EU LG218-EU-301
4C Throttle Valve Seat LG2-303 for all other TD180 models LG218-301
4D Throttle Valve Case LG2-300A for TD200 models ending in -EU LG220-EU-301
5 Motor Housing LG2-40 for all other TD200 models LG220-301
6 Throttle Lever LG2-273 for TD250 models ending in -EU LG225-EU-301
6A Locking Throttle Lever Assembly for all other TD250 models LG225-301
(for all models ending in L or C) LG2-A400 for TX120 models LE212-301
* Lever Lock LG1-402 for TX180 models ending in -EU LE218-EU-301
* Lock Spring LG1-405 for all other TX180 models LE218-301
* Lock Pin 5UT-757 for TXD180 models ending in -EU LED218-EU-
7 Throttle Lever Pin 61H-120 301
8 Throttle Valve Plunger LG2-191 for all other TXD180 models LED218-301
9 Rear Rotor Bearing R120-127 for TX200 models LE220-301
10 Rear Rotor Bearing Spacer (2) 400-25-191 for TX250 models ending in -EU LE225-EU-301
11 Rear Rotor Bearing Retainer LG1-118 for all other TX250 models LE225-301
12 Rotor LG2-53-4 Additional parts for all TD models
13 Vane Packet (set of 4 Vanes) DG21-42-4 21 Clamp Spacer LG2-46
14 Front End Plate LG2-11 22 Clamp Nut LG2-27
15 Front End Plate Spacer LG2-65 Additional parts for all
16 Front Seal Cup Assembly 61H-A32 extended TXD models
17 Front Rotor Bearing LG2-24 23 Clamp Sleeve LE2-176
18 Flow Ring 24 Arbor LE2-4
for TD120 and TX120 25 Arbor Housing LE2-20
(12000 rpm) (grey) LG2-103-0 26 Arbor Housing Plug EG220-92
for TD180, TX180 and TXD180 27 Front Arbor Bearing WFS182-22
(18000 rpm) (brown) LG2-103-1 28 Arbor Bearing Retaining Ring W22-118
for TD200 and TX200 Additional parts for all TX models
(20000 rpm) (khaki) LG2-103-2 29 Arbor Coupling LE2-304
for TD250 and TX250 30 Clamp Sleeve LE2-276
(25000 rpm) (red) LG2-103-3 31 Arbor Bearing Nut (2) LE2-85
19 High Profile Flange LG2-23 32 Coupling Retaining Ring (2) RX3-729
# 19A Low Profile Concentric Flange (for all 33 Rear Arbor Bearing LE2-22
models ending in C) LG3R-23 34 Arbor LE2-4-5
20 Flange Clamp LG2-29 35 Arbor Housing LE2-20-5
+ 20A Exhaust Hose Adapter LG2-184 36 Arbor Housing Plug EG220-92
+ 20B Exhaust Hose 3RL-284 37 Front Arbor Bearing WFS182-22
+ 20C Hose Retainer 6WT-203 37A Arbor Bearing Shield
(for models ending in G4) LE2-200
38 Arbor Bearing Retaining Ring W22-118