
Chapter 2
Hardware Installation
2.1 Introduction
This chapter gives detailed instructions on how to install the subsystem. When
installing the subsystem, it is necessary to mount the chassis into a rack or cabinet
and to install hard drives and drive trays. Installation into a rack or cabinet should
occur before the hard drives or drive trays are installed into the subsystem. Please
confirm that you received all of the components listed on the Unpacking List that
came with the subsystem before proceeding with the installation process.
Please note that the installation instructions described in this chapter should be
carefully followed to prevent any difficulties and damages to your system.
2.2 Installation Prerequisites
1. Static free installation environment: The subsystems must be installed in a
static-free environment to minimize the possibility of electrostatic discharge
(ESD) damage. (See Section 2.3).
2. Component check: Before installing the subsystems, you should first check to
see that you have received all the required components. (See Section 2.4) If any
items appear damaged, contact your vendor for a replacement.
3. Hard drives: Hard drives must be purchased separately prior to the subsystem
installation. (See Section 2.9 for installation instructions)
4. Cabling:
(1). The subsystems come with an external VHDCI-to-VHDCI SCSI round cable
to connect the subsystem to a host computer. All other SCSI cables that are
used to connect to a second host computer or external devices must be
purchased separately. Please see Chapter 4 for sample topologies and
configuration options.