r Rotate [CHANNEL] to select “
AAbbllee ttoo CCoommppllyy
” or
UUnnaabbllee ttoo CCoommppllyy
,” push [CHANNEL•ENTER].
• When “
UUnnaabbllee ttoo CCoommppllyy
” is selected, “No Reason Given”
will be transmitted.
t Push [CHANNEL•ENTER] to transmit the acknowledge-
ment call to the selected station.
y After the individual acknowledgement call has been trans-
mitted, the specified channel (specified by the calling sta-
tion) is selected automatically when “
AAbbllee ttoo CCoomm--
” is selected, or returns to the previous condition
(before entering the DSC menu) when “
UUnnaabbllee ttoo
” is selected in step r.
Transmitting a group call
The group call function allows you to transmit a DSC signal to
a specific group only.
q Push [MENU] to enter the DSC menu.
w Rotate [CHANNEL] to select “
GGrroouupp CCaallll
,” push
PPoossiittiioonn IInnppuutt
” item appears when a GPS receiver
(NMEA0183 ver. 2.0 or 3.01) is not connected.
e Rotate [CHANNEL] to select the desired pre-programmed
group address or “
MMaannuuaall IInnppuutt
,” push [CHAN-
• The ID code for the group call can be set in advance. (p. 19)
• When “
MMaannuuaall IInnppuutt
” is selected, set the 8-digit ID code
for the group you wish to call by rotating [CHANNEL].