Removing a remote system does not take a remote system offline, but only
removes it from the ServeRAID Manager Enterprise view.
1. From the Remote menu, click either:
v Remote → Remove managed system and then the system name, to remove a
remote system with direct-attached storage
v Remote → Remove management station and then the system name, to
remove a remote management station with network storage
2. If you are removing a remote system with direct-attached storage, the Remove
Managed System window opens; continue to step 2. Otherwise, skip to step 3.
3. If you want to continue receiving events from the remote system after having
removed it, click ″Continue to receive events from the remote system″ from the
drop-down list.
4. Click OK.
More information
v Receiving events from a removed system
v Adding a remote system
v Specifying remote access settings
object: Use this object, in the Enterprise view, to work with a local or
remote system, or to display its properties.
If a system object is gray, the ServeRAID agent is not available on that system.
Note: The ServeRAID software supports a maximum of 16 ServeRAID controllers.
Possible subobject
(ServeRAID controller)
(Integrated RAID controller)
Warning and error conditions
(warning) is displayed if any controller in the system has any problem.
Not all actions are supported on all controllers.
v If the system is remote, remove remote system.
v Agent actions:
– Configure (not available in bootable-CD mode):
- Notifications
- Email Notifications
- Task Manager
- General settings
View event log
Save printable configuration
v ServeRAID actions:
– Save printable configuration and event logs
– Clear all controller event logs
Chapter 4. Managing ServeRAID devices 103