
Go to the standby state (and the service processor menus will be available),
indicated by OK or STBY in the operator panel
Attempt to reboot.
Scan Log Dump Policy Menu
1. Scan Log Dump Policy:
Currently Never
2. Scan Log Dump Content:
Not Applicable
98. Return to Previous Menu
Option 1 displays the following screen:
Select from the following options:
(As needed=1, Never=2, Always=3, Immediate=4)
Enter new option:
The scan log dump policy can be set to the following:
1 = As needed
The processor run-time diagnostics record the dump data based on the
error type. Selecting this option will set the scan log dump policy to Not
Applicable. This is the default value.
2 = Never
Selecting this option will set the scan log dump policy to Not Applicable.
3 = Always
Selecting this option will set the scan log dump policy to Currently
Checkstop Hardware Abbreviated; this is the default. However, if the dump
policy is set to always, the scan log dump content can be changed, by
selecting option 2, to either abbreviated or complete. Selecting
complete will result in more data being stored in a larger scan dump, but
the scan dump operation will take longer.
4 = Immediately
This option can only be used when the system is in the standby state with
power on. It is used to dump the system data after a checkstop or machine
check occurs when the system firmware is running, or when the operating
system is booting or running.
The scan log dump policy can also be set from the Tasks menu in the AIX service
26 Eserver pSeries 690 User’s Guide