Default size: 32, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache is used in a cluster for portals to notify the other cluster members when one
of the registries needs to be reloaded due to administrative action. It should never be
disabled or set to shared=false.
Default size: 2500, default lifetime: 3730, usage pattern: regular.
This cache stores a variety of information having to do with the search scopes menu,
located at the top of the theme, left to the search box. There are six rather small cache
entries per user. Hence the cache scales directly with the number of users. There are no
invalidations from the cache, but after login a user will always get fresh data from the
cache via a coupling between the cache and the user session. The cache will be
accessed on every subsequent user request for building the search bar. If the search bar
is not used, the cache will not be used, either. Rebuilding the cache is fairly inexpensive,
but it does require some calls to the search engine backend to get the required data.