
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 xiii
In an effort to provide customers with suitable products and solutions to help
their business grow, IBM announced in October of 1998 two new additions to
its RS/6000 workstation family. They are the RS/6000 43P 7043 Models 150
and 260. These products are an enhancement to the current line of entry
workstations that are ready for your mission-critical business applications.
This redbook gives a detailed understanding of the RS/6000 43P 7043
Models 150 and 260, providing all the technical information that is generally
requested by decision-makers during the pre-sale cycle. It is suitable as a
single-source of reference for both technical and non-technical professionals
and may therefore be useful to:
System administrators
System engineers
Customer engineers
The reader will find:
An overview of the RS/6000 43P 7043 Models 150 and 260
Discussion of hardware architecture
Detailed product description
Information on storage and communication features
Discussion on diagnostics and the service processor
Availability, reliability, and performance features are also described.
The introduction of the RS/6000 43P 7043 Models 150 and 260 will expand
the range of possible applications available on entry level workstations,
providing industry-leading performance at an affordable price.
The Team That Wrote This Redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization Austin Center.
Volker Haug is an Advisory I/T Specialist in Stuttgart, Germany. He has eight
years of experience in the RS/6000 and AIX field. He holds a degree in
Business Management from the Berufsakademie in Stuttgart. Volker has