14 - English
Menus and information they provide
The following menu items/screens on the variable
speed drive/frequency converters provide the following
useful information to the operator.
This screen tells the operator the frequency the motor
is running at when the machine is in operation. The
value for output frequency should be constant when
the machine is running. If there is a fl uctuation in output
frequency when the machine is running, generally this
indicates the motor is running at or near the limit of its
programmed current limit. The current limits (predeter-
mined and set by Husqvarna Constructions Products)
are as follows:
1. Combined large and small motor - 16 amps.
If there is a fl uctuation in output frequency when the
machine is in operation, it is advisable to check the
motor current as well. This can be found by pressing
the UP arrow on the keypad 3 times. For trouble free
operation concerning current issues, it is best to keep
output current at or around 12-13 amps. The current
draw of the motor can be reduced by reducing the
speed of the motor using the speed dial on the control
panel near the handle bars.
MOTOR CURRENT (Monitor Menu)
This screen displays the current draw of the corre-
sponding motors. See comments already covered un-
der OUTPUT FREQUENCY relating to motor current.
DC LINK VOLTAGE (Monitor Menu)
This screen displays the quality of the power supply
to the machine. It will read higher values when the
machine is in stand-by and lower values when the
machine is in operation. When DC LINK voltage is
reduced (in the case of a poor power supply), the vari-
able speed drive/frequency converter will draw more
current to compensate. This is why poor power supply
will lead to the machine drawing maximum current on a
premature basis (for further comments see page 11).
The fault history menu stores the last series of faults
experienced by the variable speed drive/frequency
converter. If there is a recurring fault pattern experi-
enced by the machine, the information can be obtained
from the fault history menu. For more on faults, see
trouble shooting faults.
Variable speed drives/frequency converters