41746-01 05/02/2005 5
1. With the base resting on the
fl oor, place the base cover over
the base. See Figure 3.
2. Slide the round cover support
cap onto the bottom of the tele-
scop ing pole before placing it in
the base.
3. Place the telescoping pole into
the base, making sure the plug
con nec tor goes through the
base, then tighten the pole into
the base by twist ing clockwise.
4. Raise the support cap and base
cover and locate the setscrew in
the neck of the base.
5. Tighten the pole setscrew fi rmly
against the telescoping poles
with the included Allen Wrench
until it stops.
6. Lower the base cover back over
the base.
7. Install the cover support cap
into the base by twisting clock-
wise until tight.
8. Lean the base onto its side care-
ful ly.
9. Match the polarized plug con-
nec tors, by aligning the sticker
in di ca tors, from the telescoping
pole and the connector from
the elec tri cal cover and connect.
10. Remove one of the black cover
assembly screws from the base
and loosen the other three black
cover assembly screws.
11. Place the electrical cover against
the base and align the keyslots
on the electrical cover with the
three loosened black cover as-
sembly screws. Rotate the elec-
trical cover counterclockwise.
See Figure 4.
12. Install the fourth black cover as-
sembly screw. Securely tighten
all four black cover assembly
screws to attach the electrical
cover to the base.
13. Hold the wall plug out of the
way and stand the fan upright.
Telescoping Pole
Cover Support Cap
Base Cover
Pole Setscrew
Black Cover
Assembly Screw
Telescoping Pole
41746_CentFan_04.29.05.indd 5 5/2/05, 10:50:57 AM