152 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics
Voicemail Key Guide
Here’s a quick guide to your keypad functions while
listening to voicemail messages.
Date/Time Send Reply Advance
Replay Rewind Forward
Erase Return Call Save
Cancel Help Skip
Text Messaging (SMS) and
Multimedia Messaging (MMS)
With Text Messaging (SMS), you can send and receive
instant text messages between your wireless device
and another messaging-ready phone.
In addition, Text Messaging includes a variety of preset
messages, such as “I’m running late, I’m on my way,”
that make composing messages fast and easy. Use
your device to customize your own preset messages
(up to 160 characters).
Multimedia messages, or MMS, can contain text and
pictures, recorded voice, audio or video files, picture
slideshows, contact cards (vCard), or appointments
Note: See your service plan for applicable charges for
Text Messaging and SMS Voice Messaging.