Playing music from the Lock screen
When you’re listening to music and the screen turns off, press POWER to turn the
screen back on and control the music playback directly on the Lock screen.
If you don’t see the playback controls on the Lock screen, swipe your finger from left
to right on the box onscreen.
You can also pause music playback right from the Notifications panel.
Browsing and playing music in landscape view
Turn HTC Flyer to the left to switch to landscape view. In landscape view, you can see
the library and the playback screen or Now playing list side-by-side making it easier
for you to browse and play your music at the same time.
In landscape view, tap to let you skim through your albums easily.
§ If you have lots of albums, flick left or right across the screen to quickly skim
through them.
§ Tap an album to see the song list of the current album.
About the Music widget
You can use the Music widget to play music right from your Home screen.
71 Photos, videos, and music