34 Section 2B. Using Phone Features
Checking for Voicemail Messages While Roaming
When you are roaming off the Sprint National Network, you may not receive on-device notification of new
voicemail messages. Callers can still leave messages, but you will need to periodically check your voicemail
for new messages if you are in a roaming service area for an extended period of time.
1. Press the
Talk key to display the Phone screen.
2. Enter
1, the area code, and then your phone number.
3. Press the
Talk key again to call your voicemail.
4. When you hear your voicemail greeting, tap on the Phone keypad.
5. Enter your passcode at the prompt and follow the voice prompts.
When you return to the Sprint National Network, voicemail notification will resume as normal.
Setting Roaming Options for Your Device
You can set roaming options for your device to better control your roaming costs.
1. On the Phone screen, tap
Menu > Options... > Services tab.
— or —
Start > Settings > Personal tab > Phone > Services tab.
2. Select
Roaming, and then tap Get Settings. The Phone: Roaming screen then appears where you can set
options such as the roaming mode as well as Call Guard notification and Data Roam Guard notifications.
Choosing a Roaming Mode
On the Phone: Roaming screen, you can enable or disable roaming by choosing one of the
following modes:
ⅷ Sprint Only to access the Nationwide Sprint PCS Network only and prevent roaming on other networks.
ⅷ Automatic to seek service on the Sprint National Network. When Sprint service is unavailable, your device
searches for an alternate system.