
3. If you have a Google, Exchange ActiveSync, or MobileLife Contacts account,
choose to which account to import your SIM contacts.
4. Select the contacts you want to import.
5. Tap Save.
Adding a new contact
1. On the People tab, tap
2. Tap the Name field, and then enter the contact name.
Tap if you want to separately enter the contact's first, middle, and last name.
Depending on the contact type, you may also be able to add a name prefix (such as
Dr.) or a name suffix (such as Ph.D).
3. Select the Contact type. This determines which account the contact will sync
Some fields may not be available when you’re adding contacts to your SIM card.
4. Enter the contact information in the fields provided.
5. Tap Save.
Setting contact search options
In addition to searching contacts by name, you can also search by other criteria such
as by their group name or company.
1. On the People tab, press
2. Tap Settings > Search contacts by.
3. Choose the types of criteria to search for, and then tap Done.
Importing a contact from an Exchange
ActiveSync account
1. On the People tab, enter the contact's name or email address in the search box.
2. Tap .
3. Tap the name of the contact you want copied to HTC Sensation 4G.
4. Tap Save to People.
85 Contacts