
Preparing for Performance Manager Operations 3-5
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide
Export Tool Limitations
The Export Tool functions which are limited when you logged in as a storage
partition administrator are as follows:
Only the monitoring data about SLPR allocated to the user ID can be
exported into files.
When a storage partition administrator use the group subcommand with
specifying the PPCG or PPCGWWN operand to export the monitoring data
about SPM groups or the host bus adapters belonging to these SPM groups,
an error will occur in the following conditions:
One SPM group contains multiple host bus adapters which are allocated
to different SLPRs.
One host bus adapter is connected to multiple ports which exist in
different SLPRs.
The monitoring data about remote copy operations performed by TrueCopy,
TrueCopy for IBM z/OS, Universal Replicator, and Universal Replicator for
IBM z/OS cannot be exported.
A storage partition administrator cannot use the set subcommand to start
or stop monitoring, or change the gathering interval.