L100 Inverter
Drive Parameters
Miscellaneous Settings
The miscellaneous settings include scaling factors, initialization modes, and others. Here
we will cover some of the most important settings you may need to configure.
B32: Reactive current setting – the inverter’s D02 monitor function displays the motor
current. The display accuracy (normally ±20%, depending on the connected motor’s
characteristics) can be improved by adjustment of the B32 parameter. Use B32 to
calibrate the internal no-load or reactive motor current detection to improve the accuracy
of the D02 current display.
NOTE: Parameter setting B32 affects the inverter’s electronical thermal protection (B12
setting) and its overload restriction function (B22 setting).
B83: Carrier frequency adjustment – the internal switching frequency of the inverter
circuitry (also called the chopper frequency). It is called the carrier frequency because
the lower AC output frequency of the inverter “rides” the carrier. The faint, high-pitched
sound you hear when the inverter is in Run Mode is characteristic of switching power
supplies in general. The carrier frequency is adjustable from 500 Hz to 16 kHz. The
audible sound decreases at the higher frequencies. For settings above 12 kHz, you must
derate the inverter output current by 20% (due to increased heating).
NOTE: When DC braking is performed, the inverter automatically holds the carrier
frequency at 1 kHz.
NOTE: The carrier frequency setting must stay within specified limits for inverter-motor
applications that must comply with particular regulatory agencies. For example, a
European CE-approved application requires the inverter carrier to be less than 5 kHz.
B84, B85 – Initialization codes – these functions allow you to restore the factory
default settings. Please refer to page 6–8 for full instructions on restoring factory
B86 – Frequency display scaling – you can convert the output frequency monitor on
D01 to a scaled number monitored at function D07. For example, the motor may run a
conveyor that is monitored in feet per minute. Use this formula:
Scaled output frequency (D07) Output frequency (D01) Factor (B86)×=
“B” Function
Defaults DOP,DRW,DOP+
Name Description
B32 Reactive current
Calibrate detection of motor’s
no load (reactive current) to
improve D02 display accuracy,
range is 0 to 32 Amperes
Amps Mon. IO
B81 Analog frequency
meter adjustment
Adjust 8-bit gain to analog
meter connected to terminal
FM, range is 0 to 255
80 — Mon. ADJ
Technologies Inc.
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