5K320 SATA OEM Specification
Word Content Description
89 xxxxH Time required for security erase unit completion
Time= value(xxxxh)*2 [minutes]
90 xxxxH Time required for Enhanced security erase completion
Time= value(xxxxh)*2 [minutes]
91 40xxH Current Advanced Power Management level
15- 8 (=40h) Reserved
7- 0 (=xxh) Currect Advanced Power Management level set by Set
Features Command (01h to FEh)
92 xxxxH Current Master Password Revision Codes
93 0000H Reserved
94 0000H Reserved
95 0000H Stream Minimum Request Size
96 0000H Streaming Transfer Time – DMA
97 0000H Streaming Access Latency – DMA and PIO
98-99 0000H Streaming Performance Granularity
100-103 Note.2 Maximum user LBA address for 48-bit Address feature set
104 0000H Streaming Transfer Time - PIO
105-106 0000H Reserved
107 7AB8H Inter seek delay time (1.5tt + 2.5tl)
108-111 XXXX World Wide Name
112-118 0000H Reserved
119 4014H Supported Setting
15 (=0) Always
14 (=1) Always
13-6 (=0) Reserved
5 (=0) 1=Free-fall Control feature set is supported
4 (=1) 1=Download Microcode with mode 3 is supported
3 (=0) 1=Read and Write DMA Ext GPL is supported
2 (=1) 1=WRITE UNCORRECTABLE is supported
1 (=0) 1=Write Read Verify feature set is supported
0 (=0) Reserved
120 4014H Enabled Setting
15 (=0) Always
14 (=1) Always
13-6 (=0) Reserved
5 (=0) 1=Free-fall Control feature set is enabled
4 (=1) 1=Download Microcode with mode 3 is supported
3 (=0) 1=Read and Write DMA Ext GPL is supported
2 (=1) 1=WRITE UNCORRECTABLE is supported
1 (=0) 1=Write Read Verify feature set is enabled
0 (=0) Reserved
121-126 0000H Reserved
127 0000H Removable Media Status Notification feature set
Note.1 The ‘*’ mark in ‘Content’ field indicates the use of those parameters that are vendor specific.
Table 62 Identify device information --- Continued ---