
Getting Started
Thank you for purchasing the Ioline FlexJet E or StudioJet printer.
This manual contains instructions and guidelines for setting up,
operating and maintaining your Ioline printer. The following compo-
nents are needed to create markers:
n A FlexJet E printer assembled according to the directions out-
lined in the FlexJet E Printer or StudioJet Quick Start Guide.
n A computer system that is properly installed and has a func-
tioning serial or USB port.
n Apparel design software loaded into the computer according to
the installation instructions.
n Printing media and ink cartridges that are within the guidelines
stated under the Operation chapter.
n Depending on the communications setup, Ioline FlexPlot soft-
ware is required if your CAD software does not create compat-
ible les.
In order to output to the FlexJet
E or StudioJet printer, your
apparel design software must
create plot les in HPGL 7475
or DM/PL format. Alternatively,
you can output markers using the
FlexPlot software, included with
the printer. FlexPlot imports and
converts a variety of le formats
for output to your Ioline printer.
The Ioline Control Center
and FlexPlot will only run on
the Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
operating systems. Most design
software provides drivers for
Ioline printers. Contact Ioline
customer service if you need as-
sistance with drivers.
Chapter 1
Unless otherwise noted, diagrams and descriptions de-
picting Ioline FlexJet E printer models also apply to the
Ioline StudioJet in this manual.