For high-speed operation (100 K switches/sec.) the scanning list is
automatically downloaded into RAM on the multiplexer module.
Triggering for channel advance is from the two handshake lines on the
digital bus. The scanning operation does not require any intervention from
the mainframe CPU. This only applies for switchboxes or scanning
voltmeter configurations that have all FET multiplexer modules. For a
downloaded scan list in switchboxes, the trigger source must be
Multimeter Connection Points
There are three places where signals on a closed channel can be measured:
analog bus connector, tree terminals and direct terminals. Each of these
provides a different capability for configuring the module.
Analog Bus
The analog bus connector provides a direct connection between multiple
multiplexer modules and also between a multiplexer module and HP
E1326/E1411 Multimeters. A ribbon cable is used to daisy-chain multiple
multiplexer modules together, and to connect a multimeter to the
multiplexer modules for a scanning voltmeter. The
command automatically closes the appropriate tree isolation switches to
route closed channels to the analog bus. This command must be executed in
a switchbox configuration. A scanning voltmeter automatically configures
the multiplexer for the analog bus connector.
Tree Terminals Tree terminals provide an external connection point through the terminal
modules for the signals which are on the analog bus lines. Tree terminals
are the recommended connection points for connecting stand-alone
multimeters and external current sources for 4-wire resistance
Direct Terminals The 16 channels are separated into two banks, Bank 0 and Bank 1. When a
channel is closed, that channel is connected to a Bank Common. Channels
00 to 07 are on Bank 0 Common and channels 08 to 15 are on Bank 1
Common. The terminal module has connection points for the direct
terminals, where you can measure signals on the respective Bank
Commons. The banks can be isolated from each other, from the analog bus
connector, and from the tree terminals with the A and B tree isolation
12 Getting Started with the HP E1351A/53A Chapter 1