
Rendering intent is a concept defined by ICC Spec ICC.1:1998-09, “File
Format for Color Profiles”.
From the specification: “Rendering intent specifies the style of reproduction
to be used during the evaluation of this profile in a sequence of profiles. It
applies specifically to that profile in the sequence and not to the entire
sequence. Typically, the user or application will set the rendering intent
dynamically at runtime or embedding time.”
RGB Red, green and blue. A standard color model.
RIP Raster Image Processor.
RTL Raster Transfer Language is one of Hewlett-Packard’s standard graphics
languages for plotters and printers. Produces raster data.
spindle The rod that holds the roll of paper.
paper-axis The vertical axis in which the paper feed moves, as you look at the printer
from the front.
scan-axis The horizontal axis in which the print carriage moves, as you look at the
printer from the front.
The part of the printer that services the printheads. It keeps the printheads
clean and stops them from drying out.
USB Universal Serial Bus.
Term Meaning