A Complete Packaged Cooling System
The MasterCool Contractor series includes motor, pumps, and thermostatic control. All components have been specifically
designed to provide the maximum comfort at the minimum operating cost.
Control System
The factory installed control system is fully integrated with all electrical components, and even includes
on-board buttons that allow testing of the motor, cooling pump and drain pump from inside the cooler.
Standard thermostat wiring is used to connect the control box to the wall thermostat and all electrical
components are U.L. Recognized. A safety disconnect switch is included as a convenient method to turn off
power to the cooler when necessary.
Motor & Cooling Pump
Every MasterCool pump is U.L. Recognized, thermally protected, grounded and flame
retardant. Our motors are equally impressive. With all-copper windings and superior
construction, you’ll get years of reliable operation and superior energy savings.
Drain Pump
The drain pump automatically replaces the stale, dirty water in the cooler with fresh, clean water
every six continuous hours the cooler is in operation. Mineral deposits, algae and bacteria get
washed out, so the water stays purer and the air stays virtually odor-free. The systematic flushing
of the pan prevents unnecessary water usage and can save up to 3,000 gallons of water per month.
y Installed 2-Speed Motor
– U.L. Recognized. Made to the strictest standar
in the industry so it runs cooler and lasts longer with a 2-Year Warranty.*
Factory Installed Thermostatic Control System – Automatically maintains
the desired temperature using the least amount of energy possible.
Factory Installed Cooler Pump – The best in the industry is U.L.
Recognized and backed by a 2-Year Warranty.*
MasterCool Pad – Backed by a 5-Year Warranty, this
durable long lasting and reliable cooling pad provides
higher efficiency, greater comfort and lower energy
costs than other pads.
Exclusive PolyBond
Finish – A 5-layer finish keeps
the elements out and the quality in.
Dry Module – Separate wet and dry modules keep
moisture away from vital working parts.
Dynamically Balanced Blower Wheel – Ensures quiet
and efficient operation.
Water Distribution System – All steel construction
ensures even water distribution for complete pad
saturation and maximum cooling ef
Factory Installed Drain Pump – Automatically keeps
your cooler cleaner by reducing scale and build-up.
What is so special about the MasterCool Pad?
The MasterCool evaporative pad is constructed of special cellulose material designed to give
high absorbency with strong resistance to deterioration, extending the life of the pad and
saving money. The cross-fluted design continually directs water to the air-entering side,
inducing a highly turbulent mixing of air and water for optimum evaporation and maximum
cooling efficiency.
Isn’t Evaporative Cooling just for dry desert climates?
While evaporative cooling is especially suited to dry desert climates, it is also effective in more humid areas.
As temperatur
es rise thr
oughout the day, relative humidity levels drop. Usually by midday, humidity levels
have dr
opped to well within the range where MasterCool can provide relief from the heat.
Why Evaporative Cooling?
Evaporative Cooling is the affordable solution for cooling, providing
economical cooling solutions for the environmentally and energy conscious
consumer. Evaporative Cooling works cleaner and better for just pennies a day.
Also Available in Up-Discharge Models
Combine the gr
eatest efficiency and cooling power with a design
to comply with even the strictest Homeowner’s Association CCRs.
Drain Pump
Drain Pump