To unload the power chair, simply turn ON the power switch and push the UP/DOWN toggle switch
to the down position. Hold the s witch down until the platform just touches and is level to the ground.
Press the red release button on the Anchor Strap Base to release the tension and unhook the strap
from the chair. Continuing to press the button, allow the strap to retract until the hook reaches the
housing. Repeat this step on each corner until all four straps are released. Drive your power chair
off the lift platform. When the power chair is clear of the platform, raise the platform by pushing up
on the UP/DOWN switch.
To bring the lift in the empty, stowed position, hold the UP switch. The platform will start up in the
horizontal position. During its travel upward, the platform will fold up into the stowed or vertical
position. Hold the switch until the platform travel stops automatically.
Courtesy Note: You may wish to advise the end user to remove the key from the power switch to
avoid any tampering with the lift.
Special Note:
(If the lift does not
operate properly,
immediately take
it to the local dealer.
DO NOT attempt to
modify the lift in
any way!)
Do not attempt to move the vehicle without the lift in the stowed or travel position. Any attempt to
move the vehicle without the lift fully up may cause damage to the lift, power chair, scooter or
The AL100 is shipped with the Spreader Bar Assembly already attached to the back of the platform
on the lift. You must rotate it down until the hole in the side bracket lines up with the open hole on
the attachment point on the platform. The Spreader Bar should be flat on the ground at this point.
Tighten the bolts where the Spreader Bar Assembly attaches to the platform.
Load the scooter on the center of the platform. Adjust the spreader bar according to the size of the
scooter that is being transported on the lift. Forward for smaller scooters and back for larger
scooters. Make sure that all fasteners on the Spreader Bar Assembly are t ightened before
attempting to use the lift.
With the toggle switch, raise the platform with the scooter on it. You will notice that as the lift
reached the top, the hold down arm with the foot will lower to the deck of the scooter. The foot
should put pressure down on the deck of the scooter to secure it in place while traveling. If the foot
does not reach the scooter, unthread the adjustable leg until the foot rests securely on the deck of
the scooter.
Thread the Adjustable Hold Down Foot onto the hold down arm. To begin, thread the rod completely
into the arm. Lower the platform to the ground and place the scooter to be used on the lift and using
the toggle switch, raise the platform and scooter up until it reaches the traveling position (all the way
up). The lifting motor has a clutch mechanism that will stop the lift when it reaches the top. You will
hear a clicking sound when the lift is at the top. Release the switch at this time.
The lift features 1 of 2 Manual overrides ( both in the same location )
If the vehicle or lift loses power, simply remove the caution sticker
from the top of the motor box. TURN KEY OFF, and REMOVE 2 PRONG
POWER SUDDENLY BE RESTORED. Some lifts require a 3/8"
socket, others require a 1/2" socket. Turn the wrench clockwise to
raise the lift and couter clockwise to lower.
Vehicle Hitch