6 - 30 Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide
Program Command Indicator Header
This command programs the indicator character from a pre-determined set of
available characters.
x - the value of this character is used for selecting the command indicator.
Available indicators are ASCII characters that are not part of any standard SV
command syntax in order to be secure. Allowed values of x are 0,1, ..9. Indicator
characters available are below;
~St0 = ~ (system default) ASCII decimal value of 126
~St1 = : ASCII decimal value of 58
~St2 = ; ASCII decimal value of 59
~St3 = ( ASCII decimal value of 40
~St4 = ) ASCII decimal value of 41
~St5 = [ ASCII decimal value of 91
~St6 = ] ASCII decimal value of 93
~St7 = { ASCII decimal value of 123
~St8 = } ASCII decimal value of 125
~St9 = ^ ASCII decimal value of 94
~Stx Command Example - ~St5
Valid command syntax is [LV00 instead of the default ~LV00
Output Interface Modes Descriptions
Output interface modes are used to set the SV Series for particular ways to
activate output ports. The mode is set via the ~LV## command. The following
list describes the standard output interface modes available in SV firmware
versions x270 and higher. Each description includes the commands for
programming the particular parameters that can activate the proper ports for that
mode. Custom modes are available – contact Hand Held Products Technical
After programming the SV unit for the desired port activation parameters, it is
recommended that you review them. When using ScanView, this can be done
via the Transmit SV Commands Window by sending the ~HT command to review
all scanner settings and sending the ~PT8 command to review all quality
parameter failure threshold settings.
Mode 00 (~LV00)
This mode does not activate output ports. Only the serial communications port
is active.