4600rp, 4600g/4600r, 4800i User’s Guide 8 - 17
The IMGBOX commands have many different modifiers that can be used to
change the size and appearance of the signature image output by the imager.
Modifiers affect the image that is transmitted, but do not affect the image in
memory. Modifiers always begin with a number and end with a letter (case
insensitive). Any number of modifiers may be appended to the IMGBOX
Note: The IMGBOX command will return a NAK unless a window size (width and
height) are specified. See H - Height of Signature Capture Area (page 8-
18) and W - Width of Signature Capture Area (page 8-19).
IMGBOX Modifiers
A - Output Image Width
This option is used to size the image horizontally. If using this option, set the
resolution (R) to zero.
B - Output Image Height
This option is used to size the image vertically. If using this option, set the
resolution (R) to zero.
D - Pixel Depth
This indicates the number of bits per pixel in the transmitted image, which
defines whether it will be grayscale or black and white.
8D 8 bits per pixel, grayscale image
1D 1 bit per pixel, black and white image
Example of Image Width set to 200A:
Example of Image Width set to 600A:
Example of Image Height set to 50B:
Example of Image Height set to 100B: