4600rp, 4600g/4600r, 4800i User’s Guide 9 - 13
5. Finally, set up the ISBN check digit, which is a special position-weighted
modulo 11 checksum. The imager automatically invokes the ISBN
checksum for template rows that are:
1.) at least fourteen characters long,
2.) whose first four characters are the letters “ISBN,”
3.) whose last character is a check character, and
4.) when the modulo 11 check character “0123456789X” is programmed.
Please note that all these commands can be combined into a single serial
programming command:
OCRENA2,TMP”ISBNggggggggggggctCdddd hdddEtCdddd
These commands can be encoded into the following Aztec Code symbol:
OCR Template Codes
Note: Reading more than three rows of OCR is not recommended. Contact the
factory if you have an application that requires reading four or more rows
of OCR.
† One or more two-digit numbers and
are required after reading this
programming symbol. Refer to the Programming Chart on the inside the back
cover of this manual.
Enter OCR Template †
Enter User-Defined
Variable “h”
Enter User-Defined
Variable “g”