10 311327E
c. Adjust the tap setting of the hose heat
transformer to match the next shortest length of
heated hose (see Hose Heat Power Pack on
page 24).
d. Unplug the next set of Power-Lock connectors
and plug the hose jumper plug into the last
“upstream” segment of hose.
e. Restore electrical power, switch ON the hose
heat circuit and adjust the hose heater power
control to 15 amps.
If hose heat is restored, then the fault is within
the last unplugged segment of hose.
If hose heat is not restored, turn the hose heater
power control fully counterclockwise, then turn
OFF the hose heat circuit breaker and the main
power disconnect and repeat Steps c through e
until the fault is located.
5. Primary Heat and Hose Heat Temperature
Setting - The purpose of the hose heater is not to
add heat but rather to maintain the temperature
developed by the primary heater. If indications are
that the hose heater is not maintaining temperature
during flow, check that the primary heater and hose
are set for the same temperature or reduce the
6. Low Line Voltage - The hose heat system operates
at 220 Volts. Low line voltage will significantly
reduce power available and the heater will not
perform to its full capability at maximum hose
length. A qualified electrician should determine the
secondary amperage of the hose heat circuit and
adjust the tap setting as required to achieve a
secondary amperage of 45-50 amps.
7. Hose Heat Transformer Tap Setting - The
transformer voltage is adjustable to accommodate
between 35 ft and 310 ft of hose. Ensure that the
proper tap setting is selected for the hose length in
use. (See Hose Heat Power Pack on page 24).
The hose heat transformer voltage must be set to
match the hose length in use. Too much power will
cause the hose heat circuit fuse to fail. Too little power
will result in insufficient hose heating.