Automatic System Operation
The Aqua Logic controls most of your pool equipment automatically in order to minimize the time spent
working on your pool. Most of the pool equipment can be programmed to operate on a timeclock basis.
In addition, the desired pool and spa temperatures and pool and spa chlorinator settings can be pro-
grammed. This section will guide you on how to program the automatic operation for each function.
The programming of automatic functions can be performed at either the main display/keypad located at the
pool equipment pad or the in-home remote display/keypad.
Using the programming buttons
There are 5 buttons on each keypad that are used for programming (refer to diagram).
There are 4 steps to programming any function:
Press the “MENU” button to get to the desired menu. Multiple pushes of the
button will rotate through all 5 menus and return to the starting point.
Press either key to scroll through the various items in the selected menu. Multiple
pushes of the button will rotate through all menu items and return to the starting
point. Only menu items that are applicable to your pool will appear. (Example: if
you don’t have a spa, then no spa related menu items will appear).
Once a menu item has been selected above, the current setting/selection will ap-
pear (flashing) on the display. Use the “+” and/or “-” keys to change this selec-
tion. Sometimes “+” and “-“ will adjust a value up or down (example: heater
temperature setting or timeclock on/off time). In this case, pushing the “+” or “-”
will change the value by one increment and holding the “+” or “-” button in for
more than one second will make the values auto scroll. In other cases, the “+” and
“-“ may toggle between 2 options (example: turning superchlorination ON or
After you have adjusted the item to the desired value, simply move on to the next
menu item to “lock in” your new setting. The Aqua Logic memory will maintain
the setting, even if power is removed for an extended period.
Select Desired Menu
Select Items from
System Maintenance
To maintain maximum performance, it is recommended that you open and visually inspect the cell every 3
months or after cleaning your filter. The Aqua Logic will remind you to do this by displaying the message
“Inspect/Clean Cell” after approximately 500 hours of operation.
The Aqua Logic electrolytic cell has a self cleaning feature incorporated into the electronic control’s logic.
In most cases this self cleaning action will keep the cell working at optimum efficiency. In areas where
water is hard (high mineral content) or in pools where the water chemistry has been allowed to get “out of
balance”, the cell may require periodic cleaning.
Servicing and Cleaning the Aqua Logic Cell
Turn off power to the Aqua Logic before removing the electrolytic cell. Once removed, look inside the cell
and inspect for scale formation (light colored crusty or flaky deposits) on the plates and for any debris
which has passed through the filter and caught on the plates. If no deposits are visible, reinstall. If deposits
are seen, use a high pressure garden hose and try to flush the scale off. If this is not successful, use a plastic
or wood tool (do not use metal as this will scratch the coating off the plates) and scrape deposits off of
plates. Note that a buildup on the cell indicates that there is an unusually high calcium level in the pool (old
pool water is usually the cause). If this is not corrected, you may to have to periodically clean the cell. The
simplest way to avoid this is to bring the pool chemistry to the recommended levels as specified.
Mild Acid Washing: Use only in severe cases where flushing and scraping will not remove the majority
of deposits. To acid wash, turn off power to Aqua Logic. Remove cell from piping. In a clean plastic
container, mix a 2:1 solution of water to muriatic acid (one gallon of water to two quarts of muriatic acid).
ALWAYS ADD ACID TO WATER - NEVER ADD WATER TO ACID. Be sure to wear rubber gloves
and appropriate eye protection. The level of the solution in the container should just reach the top of the
cell so that the wire harness compartment is NOT submerged. It may be helpful to coil the wiring before
immersing the cell. The cell should soak for a few minutes and then rinse with a high pressure garden hose.
If any deposits are still visible, repeat soaking and rinsing. Replace cell and inspect again periodically.
The Aqua Logic electrolytic cell and flow detection switch will be damaged by freezing water just as your
pool plumbing would. In areas of the country which experience severe or extended periods of freezing
temperatures, be sure to drain all water from the pump, filter, and supply and return lines before any
freezing conditions occur. The electronic control is capable of withstanding any winter weather and should
not be removed.
If you are in an area that only experiences occasional freezing conditions, your Aqua Logic system may be
set up to circulate the pool water whenever the air sensor drops to 38ºF. Make sure the air sensor is
recording the correct temperature and is NOT located in the direct sunlight to ensure proper freeze pro-
tection operation.
Spring Start-up
When first starting the pool in the spring time, it is highly recommended that you temporarily set the pool
and spa chlorinator settings (Settings Menu/Pool Sanitizer & Spa Sanitizer) to 0% (off) and then manually
shock the pool with any chlorine based shock product and balance the pool water chemistry per the levels
indicated in the Chlorinator Operation section (page 31). Make sure to check the salt and stabilizer levels
and bring them up to the recommended levels. Your local Authorized Aqua Dealer or pool store can
recommend the best chemical treatment for your pool. After the water is clear and balanced, then go back
and adjust the pool and spa chlorinator settings to the appropriate levels. Test the pool chlorine level
weekly and adjust the chlorinator settings up or down accordingly.
It is usually a good idea to also inspect the cell and clean if necessary at the start of the season. See
instructions above.