Appendix C
GSIOC Commands
9 B Clears the contact event FIFO and resets the contact input
event timer.
A I Reads home phases for X and Y motors. Returns “xxx/yyy”
xxx - X motor phase.
yyy - Y motor phase.
Bf,d B Causes 215 to beep:
f - Frequency in Hz; default is 2400.
d - Duration of beep in tenths of seconds; default is 1.
cv=ss..ss B Sets user-definable character:
v - Address (0 to 7) of user-defined character.
ss..ss - Characters, in hexadecimal ASCII code, for
rows 1 through 7. See example below.
For example, the following command sets the pattern
shown below to user-defined character address 0:
[Row] [Pattern] [Hex Code]
1 * * * * * 1F
2* *11
3 * * * * 1B
4* * *15
5 * * * * 1B
6* *11
7 * * * * * 1F
e I Reads the current error number. Returns “nnn” which
identifies the error number; see page 5-2 for listing of
errors. If no error has occurred, returns 0.
e B Clears error number.
Note: Whenever possible, it is recommended that the
immediate “$” command be used to clear errors.