22 GS750
! For drawing, start with a tool force setting between .5 and 1. If
your pen does not make a clear dark line, you may wish to
increase the tool force setting.
! For pouncing, start with a setting between 5 and 6.
! When cutting regular vinyl in tangential knife mode, try a tool
force setting between .5 and 1.
! When cutting regular vinyl in swivel knife mode, set the tool
force setting at 1. The swivel knife will not pivot at corners
and will begin to cut through the material if the pressure is set
too high.
! Heavier material, such as reflective vinyl, requires increased
tool force settings.
! Worn blades require increased tool force settings.
! Before cutting, refer to the
Plotter User Reference Card
at the
back of this manual for suggested tool force settings for
different tools and materials. Set the tool force accordingly. If
you find that different tool force settings produce more
satisfactory results with your particular system, tools, and
materials, be sure to mark the preferred settings on your card
for future use.
Several factors affect tool force and require setting changes:
! Type of material — See
Plotter User Reference Card
! Knife mode and tool — Drawing, pouncing, and cutting, knife
mode, and blade angle all affect the tool force setting
! Blade wear — Increase tool force after several thousand cuts.
Gerber recommends experimenting with tool force settings as well
as keeping a logbook of the settings. Refer to the
Plotter User
Reference Card
for guidelines.