Partner Copy Dialog Box Using Partners
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005 Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
3 - 82
Parts and
The following lists the parts of the Partner Copy dialog box and their functions:
Part Function
Profile ID Specify a unique identifier for the selected partner.
Select Partner Accesses the Import File Select Dialog Box, which allows
you to select a partner profile to copy.
Name Specify a unique name for the partner.
Make this name as descriptive as possible because this is
the name displayed in the partner selection list.
EDI Code Specify the EDI identifier for this partner. The system uses
this value during inbound processing to select the correct
trading partner definition.
Application Code Specify an application code used to identify this partner.
The system uses this value during outbound import
processing to select the correct trading partner definition.
Default Mailbox Select the mailbox to identify this partner.
See the Communications User’s Guide for more
Group Receiver
Specify your partner's Qualifier as it will appear on the
UNG group header. Qualifiers are predefined by the EDI
If the partner profile uses the EDIFACT or ODETTE
standard, you must complete this box. If you do not
complete this box, the system uses the value from the
copied partner profile's envelope information.
Group Receiver
Specify your partner's Group ID. The value can be up to 15
If the partner profile uses the ANSI, EDIFACT, ODETTE,
UCS, or TDCC standard, you must complete this box. If
you do not complete this box, the system uses the value
from the copied partner profile's envelope information.
(Continued on next page)