
3600 Printer Maintenance Manual
Terms and Conventions
The following terms and conventions occur throughout this manual. A
complete glossary of terms is provided in the 3600 Bar Code Label Printer User’s
“Backing” (or liner) refers to the silicon release portion of the media that
carries the label.
“Host” refers to any computer that the printer is connected to.
“TTR” refers to the thermal transfer ribbon used when the printer is in
thermal transfer rather than direct transfer mode.
“Media” is the stock on which the printer prints labels. Media can be made
of plain paper, polyester, thermally reactive paper, or other materials with
adhesive backing.
The following conventions are used throughout this manual for operating
procedures and descriptions of the printer.
Downloaded commands appear in the order that you enter them into the
printer with the following conventions:
Convention Description
< > Angle brackets < > enclose mnemonic representations of
ASCII control characters. For example, <ETX> represents
the ASCII “End of Text” control character.
{ } Braces {} enclose variable data. For example, {n} signifies a
variable for which you can designate a constant value.
[ ] Brackets around a word or letter represent a key on your
keypad. For example, [Tab] represents the Tab key and [M]
represents the letter M key.
[ ]-[ ] When two keys are joined with a dash, press them
simultaneously. For example, if you see the command
[Ctrl]-[C], press the two keys at the same time.
E3;F3 Enter all characters not enclosed in brackets by pressing an
individual keypad key. For example, E3;F3; is entered as
[E][3][;][F][3][;] with the E and the F in uppercase.