K177 Issue No. 3
ii RPT 301 User Manual
Abbreviations and Symbols
The following abbreviations are used in this manual.
Abbreviations are the same in the singular and plural.
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
FS full-scale
IEC International Electrical Council
inHg inch of mercury
kilogram per centimetre squared
kPa kilo Pascal
mA milli Ampere
mm milli metre
NL, H & R non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability
PCB printed circuit board
psi pound per square inch
RPT resonant pressure transducer
V Volt
VA Volt amp
Hazard, a warning highlighting a danger that would result in
injury. Also a marking on the instrument referring the user to
this publication.
This product meets the essential protection requirements of
the relevant EEC directives. Further details of applied stand-
ards may be found in the product specification.
The following symbols are used in this manual
This symbol, on the instrument or in the manual, indicates a
static sensitive component.