Specification Created 5/09
GE Profile
30" Built-In Double Convection Wall Oven
Features and Benefits
• GlassTouchLCDControls-Combineasmooth,easy-to-cleanglassdesignwith
large, easy-to-read graphics to facilitate easier usage
• PreciseAir
Convection System - A reversing fan circulates heat and air for
evenly browned and baked foods
• Self-cleanRollerRack–Thisself-cleanrackglidesonstainlesssteelball
bearings to simplify loading and unloading
• ConvectionBake-Thissettingisoptimalforbakingcasserolesorlasagnas,
yeast breads, pies and pizzas with no need to turn the pan
• ConvectionRoast-Optimalforlargercutsofmeat,thissettingrotatestheheat
around all sides, sealing in the juices, producing rotisserie results at up to 25%
faster than a conventional oven
• FlatbackConvection-Convectionfansystemisonly1”deeptoprovide
additional room for cookware
• HiddenBakeOvenInterior-Concealsthelowerovenbakeelementtoeliminate
hard-to-reach areas that collect food and spills for easy cleaning
• Self-cleanOven-Self-cleanallowsyoutospareyourselffromthetroubleand
effort it takes to scrub the oven interior. The oven does all the work!
• DualInteriorLighting-Brightinteriorlightshelpyoucheckontheprogressof
your cooking
• Self-cleanHeavy-dutyOvenRacks-Tough,double-coatedrackscanstayinthe
oven during the self-clean cycle to eliminate hand cleaning
• ModelPT960DPBB–Blackonblack