Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages, or visit ge.com. You may not need to call for service.
Error Messages Possible Causes What To Do
START/RESETstatus You have pressed the
indicator light flashing START/RESETpad while the
dishwasher is running. This will
cancel the cgcle. The light will
stop flashing after the dishwasher
drains (about 90 seconds).
• PresstheSTART/RESETpadonluonetimetostartthedishwasher.Whenthe
dishwasherisrunning,onlupressthe START/RESETpadif Uouwishtocancel
Powerto thedishwasherwas
turnedoff whileacgclewas
runningand powerhasjust been
restoredto thedishwasher.The
blinkinglights indicatethat the
• Thelightwillstopflashingafterthedishwasherdrainsoutthewater.Anew
Dishwasher BEEPS
once every 30 seconds
Thisisa reminderthat gour
dishwasherdoor hasbeenleft
openduringoperation.It will
continuebeepinguntil gouclose
• Closeandlatchthedoorafteropeningit mid-cucle.Beepingwillstopand
Beeping at the end
of the cycle
This is normal. The dishwasher
will beep twice at the end of
the cgcle.
• Toturnoffthedoublebeepindicator(orre-activateitifitwas previouslu
turnedoff),pressthe HEATEDDRYpad5timeswithin3 seconds.Atriple
beepwill soundtoindicatetheend-of-cuclebeepoptionhasbeenturned
on oroff.
Low Detergent
Light ON
SmartDispense TM has less than • Fillthe SmurtDispenseTM reservoir with liquiddishwasher detergent. After
10 cgcles worth of detergent filling the reservoir,the LOWDETERGENTlight willturn OFFoncethe
left in the dishwasher, door is closed.
not clean
Possible Causes Whet ToDo
Lowinletwater temperature • Hake sure inletwater temperature iscorrect (seepage 8).Turn on the hot
water faucet nearest the dishwasher; let run until the water temperature
stops rising.Then start thedishwasher and turn offthe faucet. Thisensures
the entering water is hot.
• TrUnottousethedishwasherwhenhotwaterisbeingusedelsewhere
inthehouse;forexample,whendoinglaundryorwhena familymember
Water pressure istemporarilg low • Turn on afaucet. Iswater coming out more slowly than usual?Ifso,wait
until pressure isnormal before using your dishwashen
• Try not to use the dishwasher when hot water isbeing usedelsewhere
in the house;for example,when doing laundry orwhen a family member
isusing the shower.
Air gap or disposer is clogged • Cleanthe air gap orflush the disposer.
Improper rack loading • Hake sure large dishware does not blockthe detergent dispenser or the
wash arms. Seethe Loadingthe dishwasher rockssection.
No air gap or high drain loop • Verify that you havean air gap ora high drain loop. Referto the
Installation Instructions.