38 Performa Parts List
Rev A
Performa Parts List
*Not shown on drawing.
No. Description Qty. Code
No. Description Qty.
1 1244651 Valve Assembly w/o Flow Controls 1 16 Plumbing Adapter Kits: 1
2 1235338* Top Plate, Ultramax Series Valves 1 1001606 3/4-inch Copper Tube Adapter Kit
3 1235339 Valve Disc Spring, One Piece, Performa 1 1001670 1-inch Copper Tube Adapter Kit
Valve 1001608 22-mm Copper Tube Adapter Kit
4 1242282 Cover, Valve, Ultramax Series 1 1001613 3/4-inch CPVC Tube Adapter Kit
Controller 1001614 1-inch CPVC Tube Adapter Kit
5 1235352* Cam, 263-268 Ultramax Series Valve, STD, 1 1001615 25-mm CPVC Tube Adapter Kit
Black 1001769 3/4-inch NPT Plastic Pipe Adapter Kit
6 Drain Control Assembly: 1 1001603 1-inch NPT Plastic Pipe Adapter Kit
1000212 No. 10 (2.5 gpm; 9.5 Lpm) 1001604 3/4-inch BSPT Plastic Pipe Adapter Kit
1000213 No. 12 (3.5 gpm; 13.2 Lpm) 1001605 1-inch BSPT Plastic Pipe Adapter Kit
1000214 No. 13 (4.1 gpm; 15.5 Lpm) 1001611 3/4-inch BSPT Brass Pipe Adapter Kit
1000215 No. 14 (4.8 gpm; 18.2 Lpm) 1001610 1-inch NPT Brass Pipe Adapter Kit
7 1235269 Motor/Optical Cable Assembly, Ultramax
1 1001612 1-inch BSPT Brass Pipe Adapter Kit
Controller 17 1235373 Module, Sensor, Photo Interrupter 1
8 1000226 Screen/Cap Assembly w/ O-Ring 1 18 1235361 Motor w/Spacer & Pinion, Ultramax Series 1
9 Injector (High Efficiency) Options: Controller, 12 V, 50/60 Hz
1035733 “H” Injector (High Efficiency) - Lt Purple 19 1001986 13/16 inch Rubber Insert (Optional) 1
(9-inch tank) 20 1235446 Turbine Cable 1
1035734 “J” Injector (High Efficiency) - Lt Blue 21 1010154 Tank O-Ring 1
(10-inch tank) 22 1000811 AC Adapter, North American 1
1030413 “K” Injector (High Efficiency) - Pink 23 1238362 Ultramax Controller 1
(12-inch tank) (unprogrammed)
1035736 “L” Injector (High Efficiency) - Orange * 1033444 Turbine Assembly
(13 & 14-inch tank) * 1239979 Cable Harness, Remote Regen 740F
1032978 Plugged Injector for 263 Filter * 1239711 Switch Kit, Front Mount, 0.1 amp
1032985 Plugged Injector Cap * 1239752 Switch Kit, Front Mount, 5 amp
10A 1000222 Regenerant Refill Controller, No Ball 1 * 1239753 Switch Kit, Top Plate Mount, 0.1 amp
10B 1243510 Regenerant Refill Controller * 1239754 Switch Kit, Top Plate Mount, 5 amp
11 1030502 Ball, Refill Flow Control * 1242286 Valve Skirt
12 1002449 Drain Fitting Elbow (3/4-inch hose 1 * 1242287 Cover with Shield
barbed) * 1033444 Internal Turbine Meter
13 1010428 O-Ring 1 * 1233187 Motor Locking Pin
14 1000269 Injector Cap with O-Ring 1 * 3002122 Refill Sensor Probe Kit
15 1035622 Tank Ring 1 * 1239760 Blending Valve Kit Ultramax
* Drain Line Flow Control 1
1030355 Drain Line Flow Control, 5 gpm (19 Lpm)
1030356 Drain Line Flow Control, 6 gpm (22.5
1030357 Drain Line Flow Control, 7 gpm (26.5
1030358 Drain Line Flow Control, 8 gpm (30 Lpm)
1030359 Drain Line Flow Control, 9 gpm (34 Lpm)
1030360 Drain Line Flow Control, 10 gpm (38 Lpm)
* 1030334 Plugged Refill Flow Control - for 263
* 1041174 Valve Disc Kit