
0150-0193C 40 Calibur DVMR
q Main Menu Alarms Relay Configuration
Use this menu to configure each relay output as either:
Normally Open
Normally Closed
q Main Menu Alarms Buzzer Setup
Use this menu to configure the internal buzzer.
Global Buzzer: The Global Buzzer setting acts as a master On/Off
switch. Setting the Global Buzzer to OFF deactivates all buzzer
Live Alarm Buzzer: Activates while receiving alarm input.
Videoloss Buzzer: Activates when video loss is detected.
Disabling the Videoloss buzzer disables all videoloss buzzer activity.
Videoloss buzzers may be disabled on a per camera basis in the
Alarms Videoloss Action menu.
Playback Buzzer: Activates during playback of recorded alarms.
q Main Menu Alarms Videoloss Action
Use this menu to configure how the unit responds to videoloss.
Camera: Select the camera you wish to configure.
Relay 1: If enabled, the unit will activate Relay 1 when videoloss
is detected.
Relay 2: If enabled, the unit will activate Relay 2 when videoloss is
Buzzer: Use this setting to disable the videoloss buzzer activation
on a per camera basis. To disable videoloss buzzer activation on
all cameras go to the Main Menu Alarms Buzzer Setup menu,
described in the previous section.
q Main Menu Alarms Pre Alarm Duration
During recording, the unit stores up to 5 seconds of recorded
information in a buffer. This data can be automatically retrieved when
an alarm is activated. Select the amount of time just previous to the
activation of an alarm you wish to retrieve.
q Main Menu Alarms Notification
Use this menu to select:
Email Alarm Notification.
TCP/IP Dialout Notification.
Relay Configuration
Relay 01:
Relay 02: N/CLOSED
Buzzer Setup
Global Buzzer :
Live Alarm Buzzer: ON
Videoloss Buzzer : ON
Playback Buzzer : ON
Videoloss Action
Camera :
Relay 1: Disable
Relay 2: Enable
Buzzer : Enable
Pre Alarm Duration
(Time in Seconds)
TCP/IP Dialout