Install the GracoConfig Software
14 312785C
Download the Preconfigured
Database to the Gateway Module
Graco supplies a preconfigured database as a setup file
for the Gateway, containing parameters which communi-
cate between the Gateway and the ProMix 2KS. The file
name has a .gg2 extension.
GracoConfig files are downloaded to the Gateway mod-
ule using the Link menu. The programming link between
the PC and the Gateway module uses the USB cable.
Before downloading, check that the Communications
Port is set to USB, as follows.
NOTE: During programming the Gateway module may
ask for an updated driver. Follow the instructions on the
screen to automatically find and select the drivers.
1. Go to Start>Programs>Graco>GracoConfig and run
the program. The GracoConfig main page will
2. Using the Link pulldown menu, select Options to
open the Link Options window. Check that the Com-
munications Port is set to USB, and click OK.
3. Go to File>Open and select the file with the xx.gg2
extension. The file name should appear at the top of
the window (F
IG. 15) once loaded.
4. Download the database using the Link>Update
command. As a shortcut, use the Update
symbol on the toolbar. See F
IG. 15.
NOTE: Downloading typically takes only a few sec-
onds but may take longer if the software has to
update firmware on the Gateway module.
IG. 15: GracoConfig Main Page
Link Pulldown Menu Update Symbol
IG. 16: Set Communications Port to USB