8. Turn the Large knob to move to the
Time-Minutes value. Turn the Small knob to
choose the minutes.
15 JUN 97 20:24 UTC
9. After completing your entries, press ENT.
15 JUN 97 20:24 UTC
Software Version
The Software Version function provides version
information about the Apollo software, serial number,
database, GPS sensor, display software, and Com
Radio software for the Apollo SL60.
1. In the System Information function turn the
Large knob to reach Software Version page.
Apollo SL60 SW 139-0214-0XXY
2. Turn the Small knob cw one click to view the
Serial Number page.
Serial Number: XXXXXXXX
3. Turn the Small knob cw one click to view the
Database Version page.
Americas DB Exp: xx/xx/xx
4. Turn the Small knob cw one click to view the
GPS Software Version page.
GPS Sensor SW: x.x PN:123456789
System Functions