Navus 2 Owner’s Manual 17
cuStoMIzInG the navuS 2
Changing the System
From the Menu page, touch >
GPS Mode—enable and disable
GPS and WAAS/EGNOS. See www
.garmin.com/aboutGPS/waas.html for
information about WAAS/EGNOS.
Safe Mode—turn on or off Safe Mode.
When your vehicle is moving, Safe
Mode disables all functions that require
become a distraction while driving.
Garmin Lock—turn on Garmin Lock to
lock your Navus 2. Enter a 4-digit PIN,
and set a security location. For more
information, see page 6.
Proximity Alarms—turn on or off the
alerts when you approach Custom POIs.
This option is only visible if you have
loaded Custom POIs. See page 25 for
more information about Custom POIs.
About—display your Navus 2’s software
version number, unit ID number, and
audio version number. You need this
information when you update the system
software (see page 23) or purchase
additional map data (see page 23).
Restore—restore the system settings.
Localizing Your Navus 2
From the Menu page, touch >