cGPSmapper Manual Introduction
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2 Introduction
The latest version of this document can be found at http://www.cgpsmapper.com/.
Feel free to e-mail your comments / contributions to the present document to
2.1 Purpose of this document
This manual explains how to create vector maps and then upload them to your Garmin
GPS receiver (or see them in the MapSource software), utilizing the cGPSmapper /
sendmap software.
2.2 Basic Concepts
2.2.1 What is Polish Format (PFM)?
Polish Format is a convenient, text based, format used for saving map information on a
computer and transferring map information between computer programs.
Polish format map files cannot be sent directly to a GPS unit. First they must be converted
into a format which is understandable to your GPS receiver. A program which performs
this conversion is called a "map compiler".
2.2.2 What is cGPSmapper?
cGPSmapper is a command line program which "compiles" files in polish format (PFM)
and produces a vector map in file(s) of a format understandable by your GPS receiver and
There are different cGPSmapper versions (refer to section 9.3.4 on page 92) with diverse
2.2.3 What is sendmap?
sendmap is a command line program used to transfer vector map files (generated with
cGPSmapper) to your GPS receiver.
2.3 Document Conventions
Text in italics is shown in the Glossary (page 71).
2.3.1 PFM Code
Text in monospace font represents literals (to be inserted literally in the PFM file).
Text in underlined monospace font represents metavariables - which appear to the
right of the equals sign (=) in many statements. Metavariables should be replaced with
appropriate values, as described in the explanation (or self-evident).
Text in normal font is explanatory and should not be inserted into the source file.
The number sign special metavariable (#) takes a numeric value. E.g. Data# stands for
Data0, Data1, etc.
The special iteration operator ... in a statement line has its intuitive meaning. This operator
in a separate line denotes that the preceding statement may be repeated zero or more times
with various (typically consecutive) values of the metavariable #. If the iteration operator is