Getting Started
Highway/Active Route/
Numbers Pages
a route), along with a pointer arrow which points the next waypoint and the compass track you are
heading. Use the Highway Page as your primary navigation page (in lieu of the Compass Page) when
your main concern is following a defi ned course.
If you get off course, the highway will move to give you graphic guidance to get back on course.
You can zoom in or out on the Highway display for a smaller or larger view. Five available settings
range from 1X to 16X, with a default setting of 8X. The current scale will appear in the bottom
right of the display.
To zoom in or out on the highway display:
1. Press either the IN or OUT key to increase or decrease the zoom scale.
While in simulator mode, you may also adjust the speed and course from this page.
To adjust the speed and course while in simulator mode:
1. Press LEFT or RIGHT on the ARROW KEYPAD to adjust the course and press UP or DOWN to
increase/decrease the speed
in 10 kph/mph increments.
Press PAGE to see the next page appearing in the main sequence, which is the Active Route Page.
Whenever you have activated a route or TracBack, this page will show each waypoint name along with
useful data for each point. As you navigate the route, the information will automatically update to
indicate the next point along the route, which is denoted by an arrow on the left-hand side of the
screen. For more detailed information on the Active Route Page, see page 48.
Press PAGE to see the last page appearing in the main sequence, the Numbers Page. The default
page will display four user-selectable data fi elds showing the speed, pointer, distance to the current
waypoint, and current track. You may also choose to show one data fi eld in large lettering for better
readability using the ‘Big Numbers’ option.
To toggle between Full Screen Data and Four Data Display:
1. Press MENU, then highlight either ‘Big Numbers’ or ‘Small Numbers’ and press the ENTER/MARK
Active Route Page
Numbers Page
Numbers Page with Full Screen Data