Using the GBR 23
When using the GBR 23, tuning may be either done
automatically or controlled by the GPS unit. Your
GARMIN GPS unit provides a Beacon Receiver Setup Page
and, in some cases, Beacon Log Page for this purpose.
The operating instructions provided below are
generalized to cover several different GARMIN
models and may not exactly match your display. For
additional information on operating your GPS unit with
the GBR 23, refer to the owner’s manual for your GPS
unit. Screen examples from various model GARMIN units
are provided on the following pages.
1. Apply power on to the GBR 23.
2. Turn the GPS unit on.
3. From the Interface Setup Page, select an RTCM
input. If a baud rate selection is also provided,
specify 4800. On GARMIN GPS units, RTCM
input/NMEA 0183 output should be selected. The
baud rate will be set to 4800. If additional
devices, such as an autopilot or plotter, are
connected to the GPS unit, they must be set to
work with NMEA 0183 as well.
On some newer model GARMIN GPS receivers,
you may set the interface to “Garmin Bcn Rcvr”.
This is a scan option, seperate from the GBR 23
scan, which will automatically scan for a DGPS
frequency and bit rate. Please refer to your GPS
owner’s manual for using this function. If this
setting is used, you may skip step 4.
4. From the Interface Setup Page, enter the
“Tuned To:” frequency and the “Bit Rate” for the
nearest DGPS beacon transmitter. (Refer to the
Beacon Reference Card for this information.)
5. Once the frequency and bit rate have been
entered, “Tuning” will be displayed at the bottom
of the page.
6. If the beacon signal is received by the GBR 23,
the “SNR” field will display a signal-to-noise ratio
and “Receiving” will appear on the page. The
SNR scale ranges from zero (no reception) to 31
(best reception).
Using the
GBR 23
Use the Beacon Receiver
Setup Page to enter the
beacon operating frequency
and bit rate for the nearest
DGPS beacon site. This
information is automatically
transferred to the GBR 23.
From the Interface Page,
select ‘RTCM/NMEA’ and
‘NMEA 0183 2.0’ to properly
communicate with the
GBR 23.
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