34 GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s Manual
bAsIc oPerAtIon > bAsIc oPerAtIon
3. To view the list of turns on the route, press
PAGE to open the Turn Preview Page.
The Turn Preview Page shows the turn and
guidance text and a small eld at the bottom
shows the turn number in sequence and total
turns in the route.
4. To scroll through all turn previews, press up or
down on the ROCKER. Press QUIT to close
the Turn Preview Page and return to the Active
Route Page.
Active Route Page when
following roads
Turn Preview Page
5. To view a route prole, press
the MENU key and select
Prole from the Options Menu
(if using 24K DEM maps.)
Editing a Route
After you create a route, use the Route Page to edit,
change the route name, and review route points.
To change the name of the route:
1. Press MENU twice to open the Main Menu.
2. Highlight the Routes icon, and press ENTER
to open the Routes Page.
3. Select a saved route, and press ENTER.
Enter a
new route
Route Page