System Setup: Mode
The system setup page is used to select the operat-
ing mode, time offset, and screen preferences. The GPS
12 has two operating modes:
Normal Modeoperates the unit at maximum
performance, and provides battery life of up to 24
hours on alkaline batteries.
Simulator Modeallows you to operate the unit
without acquiring satellites, and is ideal for prac-
ticing, or entering waypoints and routes while at
To select an operating mode:
1. Highlight the ‘MODE’ field, and press
2. Select a mode and press
System Setup: Offset
The date and time offset is located directly below
the mode field. Note: Date and time information is
derived from the GPS satellites and cannot be changed
by the user. Because the time shown is UTC (Greenwich
Mean Time) time, you will need to enter a time offset to
display the correct local time for your area. To deter-
mine the time offset for your area, note your position
and refer to the chart in Appendix C.
To enter the time offset:
1. Highlight the ‘OFFSET’ field, and press
2. Enter the time offset, and press
. Note: Move the
cursor to the left to change the plus or minus sign.
System Setup: Hours (Time Format)
The time display shown on the system setup and
Position Pages may be set to display the time in a 12- or
24-hour format.
To select the time format:
1. Highlight the ‘HOURS’ field, and press
2. Select 12- or 24-hour display, and press
System Setup
The GPS 12’s two operat-
ing modes are accessed
through the system setup
To display the corre c t
local time, you must enter
the appropriate offset. See
the chart at the end of
Appendix C.
GPS12B 1/13/99 4:28 PM Page 42