
If ‘GARMIN DGPS’ or ‘RTCM/NMEA’ format is
selected, additional fi elds are provided to control a
GARMIN differential beacon receiver (e.g. GBR 21) directly
from your eTrex Summit. You can enter the beacon fre-
quency and bit rate when you select ‘User’ from the Beacon
pop-up list to manually tune the receiver (you can also
‘scan’ if you don’t know what the nearby station is, but
the unit could continue scanning if reception is temporar-
ily lost).
To select an I/O Format:
1. Press the PAGE Button and switch to the MENU
Page. Use the UP and DOWN Button and highlight
the ‘SETUP’ fi eld. Press ENTER. The SETUP Page
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and select the
Page appears.
3. Press ENTER on the ‘I/O FORMAT’ fi eld. Press the
UP or DOWN Button to select the desired format.
Press ENTER. Press PAGE to return to the page of
your choice.
Heading Page
The eTrex Summit will automatically switch between
the Electronic Compass and GPS to determine your head-
The eTrex Summit needs to be held level for the Elec-
tronic Compass to provide an accurate heading. When
mounting the eTrex Summit in a car or on a cycle, the
unit will need to be tilted in order to see the display,
making the compass less accurate. eTrex Summit will
switch over, using GPS to track your heading when you
exceed 10 miles per hour. When you slow down, you can
press and hold the PAGE Button to switch back to using
the Electronic Compass.
While mounted in a car or on a
cycle the eTrex Summit will be
tilted enough for the Electronic
Compass to become inaccu-
rate. The eTrex Summit will
automatically switch to a GPS
heading when you exceed 10
mph. To switch back to the
compass press and hold the
PAGE key or wait 90 seconds
after slowing below 10
Heading Page
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